Our Mission

A Little Slice of Heaven: Partnering with God to create
a safe, spiritual space for belonging and learning through play, connection, community, and wonder.





How do we fulfill this mission and create the camp culture that so many refer to as "my-second-home?"

By Living Our Core Values:


Always point towards God. We believe that God is powerful, faithful, compassionate, gracious, and abounding in love. As we witness God revealing himself through the Bible, nature, and relationships, we steer away from outward compliance and allow each person the space and time for wonder, curiosity, and wrestling for personal faith.


Accept and celebrate differences!  We embrace different talents, interests and quirks whether  athletic, scholarly, musical, or other, including domino expert, hula hoop champion, or avid book reader.  Click here to see the amazing stories and illustrations of what this looks like.


Provide good food. We create palatable (pun intended) memories around delicious food and yummy canteen / tuck-shop treats. We promote mealtimes as special gatherings of our community.


Have fun!  We prioritize smiles, laughter, and playfulness as we offer activities that engage a wide age-range of participants considering their interests and needs when planning activities and events. We never have fun at the expense of others remembering that no one will want to come back if it is not fun.


Give to Camp. We partner together to give one hundred percent love, energy, attention, time, and money towards fulfilling camp’s mission. We always think, plan, and train with an eye to future generations.


Lead strongly and humbly. We articulate clear rules, boundaries, and expectations to counselors, campers and volunteers, and enforce them consistently and fairly. We cultivate a safe spiritual space for everyone to learn to lead like Jesus.


Create a culture of value.  We hold every image bearer of Christ in high esteem, no matter their age or their station in life.  We prioritize a culture where everyone is important and belongs.


Define and clarify responsibilities at camp.  We communicate expectations so each person will know whether they are fulfilling their roles and responsibilities.  We foster accountability and encourage ownership of any given role.


Create a safe spiritual place.  We want everyone (parents, volunteers, counselors, and campers) to feel mentally, physically, and emotionally safe encouraging spiritual engagement and connection. We deal with bullies of all kinds, enforce standards on language and behavior, and create a culture of agape love.  We live out our motto: “The safest place on the planet, besides your home.


Have a spiritual camp not a religious camp.  We recognize the difference between the two. We trust the Holy Spirit to work through play, connection, community, and wonder.

What is #swampcamp30plus30?


Swamp Camp Services
1380 Maxeys Road
Union Point, GA 30669
[email protected]
Tax ID: 58-2381032

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Swamp Camp Going Green

Get a Charge out of Camp!

Camp Swamp now offers electric vehicle hookup.
(EV Level 2 J1772 30 Amp Connector).

© 2024 Swamp Camp Services, 1380 Maxeys Road, Union Point, GA 30669. 706.352.4451

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