Save Swamp Update
NOV 2021

See How People React to the Idea of Camp Closing...


Swamp Camp has become a "second home" and "a safe place to be yourself" for thousands of campers for over two and a half decades. We would like this to be the case for many more decades to come.

However, the COVID-19 situation has, for the first time in its history, put the Swamp at risk of staying open.

Guided by prudence and adhering to Georgia regulations, closing camp for the 2020 Summer Camp Season made a huge impact on our kids and the Swamp's finances. Thanks to some quick planning, hard work and the Spirit's influence, Swamp Virtual Camp provided a spiritual and relational in-the-gap experience for our kids; now it is on to the financial side of things.

While each month we hold out hope that the front gate can open, it seems prudence and Georgia regulations will not safely allow it. The result is a 79% loss of our annual operating revenue, which has put Swamp finances in a state where we will soon run out of money with no substantial revenue until March of 2021 when summer camp registration is in full swing.

We have taken strong steps in our operating expenses slashing approximately $97,000 out of the budget beginning in August of 2020, and we are ready to cut payroll by 32% in a second phase of budget cuts taking us to a bare bones budget.

Even with these steps, Swamp Camp will effectively run out of money mid-December with minimal sources of revenue save for donations.

Thus, we make an appeal: help us raise the money to keep the lights on, maintain the facility in top shape for our returning events, and retain our staff. Here is the breakdown of the need in order of immediacy:

1. $29,000 to meet End of the Year (EOY) Deficit
2. $228,000 to meet EOY Deficit and Q1 2021 Deficit
3. $431,000 to return a Pre-COVID State
4. $860,000 to meet EOY & Q1 2021 Deficits and Retain 10 months Cash on Hand (in case we have to go through this again next year.)

We are asking 1,000 people to give $500 each to meet and surpass our first three (3) goals but welcome whatever is on your heart to give. Join us and help Save Swamp.

GIVE TODAY by clicking the Donate Now button below. (Scroll down on mobile to see current donation level and goals.)

Swamp is a 501c3 organization (EIN: 58-2381032) so your donation is a tax-deductible gift.

Email from a 13 Year Old Camper Sent Saturday, October 3.

Dear Mr. Jeff,
I don’t expect you to remember my face. You have always been good at remembering thousands of kids names every year. My family (me my parents and one dog) just watched the ‘help save camp’ video 10 minutes ago. It was nice to see familiar faces. But when you asked the question about the camp closing I got really emotional. (Even my dad cried a little and he didn’t even go to camp as a kid.) I know a lot of people have been through some tough things this past year. I have not. I might think I have but I haven’t. Peoples business’ have been closing, getting fired, getting laid off, and through all of it, my family has had a pretty steady life. Being in the military, we have confidence that we can eat every night, that we will always have a home, not much to worry about. When I found out camp was cancelled for the year because of COVID, I was heartbroken. Camp has always been there for me. Whenever I see the sign I know we only have a short drive until it all begins. The swamp ball, the checking in, the late nights and early mornings, climbing up and down girl mountain all day; the starlight devo where all you can hear is crickets... and the loud whispers of kids, the ring and mingle of honor. It’s all the same and that is the best part of it. You know what’s going to happen. I remember my first year. I didn’t know a lot of people except for my friends from NC and I was skeptical. I had always heard stories of how amazing camp was and how wonderful the people were and how loving Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Jen were but I didn’t understand. A place so amazing? How can that be? As soon as I arrived, a clueless and curious nine year old, I knew I wanted to stay. Sorry, I got off topic. The point is, I love camp. Maybe a little too much. And if swamp closes (and from loss of money of all things) I might die. (Not literally of course) but a little bit inside because Swamp is such a big part of me. My dad asked how much (and if) I would like to donate some of my allowance and I said that I didn’t care. “As much as you would like” I said through tears. One of the things I do in my spare time is bragging about camp to my friends. I always say they should go. So as I have finished this short and monologue-y email, I will say c u later alligator. Because I will be seeing you again Mr Jeff in a year, by next summer.

-Ciao for now, 13 Year Old Camper

"1...2...3...Save Swamp!"

Swamp Camp Pool

Make check or
money order payable to:
Swamp Camp Services, Inc.

Mail to:
Save Swamp Campaign
ATTN: Steve Gibson
190 Tremont Circle
Athens, GA 30606
Swamp Camp Campers

Healthy Org. Goal:
$653,821 of $860,000

Why Save Swamp?

"Because on the front steps of the dining hall, before breakfast, when the sun is coming up, and the mist is sitting over the grass, and the world is so unbelievably still, is the place where I learned how to pray, and was the place I fell in love with Jesus."

- Anabel Fender

Donations: 660
0 1000

Recent Donations

$500.00, Anonymous, 4/16/2022

$2,500.00, Anonymous, 4/10/2022

$1,500.00, Matt Gilpin, 4/9/2022

$500.00, Sandy Petty, 2/27/2022

$300.00, Sonny & Carolyn Sessions, 2/27/2022

$6,620.00, Athens Church of Christ, 2/24/2022

$500, Glenn Sofge, 1/1/2022

$1,500, Anonymous, 1/1/2022

$1,500, Anonymous, 1/1/2022

$5,000, Anonymous, 12/31/2021

$5,000, Anonymous, 12/31/2021

$500, Anonymous, 12/31/2021

$4,800, Anonymous, 12/31/2021

$6,000, Anonymous, 12/31/2021

$1,000, Anonymous, 12/31/2021

$6,000, Anonymous in honor of Nitro Phil, 12/30/2021

$4,000, House of Payne, 12/30/2021

$6,000, Anonymous, 12/29/2021

$5,910.10, Benevity Fund Anonymous, 12/28/2021

$1,636.80, Anonymous, 12//2021

$1,000, Doyle, Mia & Samuel Chisholm, 12/25/2021

$400, Anonymous Love Offering, 12/22/2021

$1,000, Steve and Melanie Hollis, 12/12/2021

$300, Anonymous, 12/12/2021

$100, Atlanta Stoppers, 12/11/2021

$4,000, Randy Fick, 12/7/2021

$1,000, Jeff Kiel, 11/30/2021

$5,000, Fellows, 11/06/2021

$1,500, Piedmont Triad Church, 10/12/2021

$11,535.50, Piedmont Triad Church, 9/29/2021

$2,000, Anonymous, 9/21/2021

$250, Johnsons, 9/19/2021

$500, Nancy Magee, 8/30/2021

$500, Jeff & Jennifer Rorabaugh, 3/5/2021

$200, Anonymous, 2/7/2021

$135, Anonymous, 2/5/2021

$7,029, Anonymous, 2/5/2021

$500, The Memphis Church, 2/5/2021

$25, Dexter Manigault, 2/3/2021, For: "The Camp I love."

$100, Angel Erb, 2/3/2021, "In memory of Nitro Phil"

$500, Jeff & Jennifer Rorabaugh, 2/3/2021

$130, Anonymous, 2/2/2021

$57, Anonymous, 2/1/2021

$100, Anonymous, 2/1/2021

$100, Donna Heidel, 1/31/2021, In memory of Phil Dawson

$100, Ron Massengill, 1/30/2021, Nitro Phil Dawson Donation

$15, Raquel Murdock, 1/30/2021

$10,000, Greater Nashville Church, 1/30/2021

$25, Denika Nickeo, 1/30/2021

$50, Kathleen Jackowski, 1/29/2021

$100, Anonymous, 1/29/2021, For: In memory and honor of Phil Dawson

$100, Jason Simonovich, 1/29/2021, For: "Nitro" Phil Dawson

$50, Betty J. and Ronald Evans, 1/29/2021, In honor of Phil Dawson

$100, Anonymous, 1/28/2021

$100, Jennifer Markman, 1/27/2021, For: Nitro Phil Dawson

$100, Sonny & Carolyn Sessions, 1/27/2021, In memory of Phil Dawson

$50, Laurie Oracion, 1/27/2021, In memory of Phil Dawson

$50, Dorci Richards, 1/25/2021, In memory of Phil Dawson

$100, Sandra Heigerick, 1/25/2021

$25, Celeste Keckley, 1/25/2021, In Honor of Phil

$50, Dawn Woodruff, 1/24/2021, In Memory of Phil Dawson

$50, Ray D Sample, 1/24/2021

$250, Jamie Parker, 1/24/2021, Honor of Phil Dawson

$100, Tanya Howard, 1/24/2021

$100, Cynthia Coles, 1/24/2021, IN MEMORY OF PHIL DAWSON

$100, Anonymous, 1/24/2021, In honor of: Phil/Save SWAMP

$25, Anonymous, 1/24/2021, For: "The memories I was able to build here."

$50, Josh & Amanda Mitchell, 1/24/2021, In Honor of: Nitro Phil

$50, Anonymous, 1/24/2021, In Honor of: Phil Dawson

$100, Alan & Sherry Rouse, 1/24/2021, In Honor of: Nitro Phil

$500, Chris Weyrick, 1/24/2021, For: "Mackenzie and Connor Weyrick"

$50, Cathy Easton, 1/24/2021

$200, Shani Childress, 1/23/2021

$21,457.37, Anonymous, 1/21/2021

$26,173.63, Anonymous, 1/21/2021

$130, Monica Crooks, 1/19/2021

$250, Paul & Candy Ramsey, 1/18/2021

$20, Dexter Manigault, 1/17/2021, "To be at the camp I love one more."

$50, Anonymous, 1/17/2021

$20, Anonymous, 1/17/2021

$300, Anonymous, 1/17/2021

$50, Richard Thomas, 1/17/2021, For: "Gabi & Ricky Thomas"

$250, Charles & Sherri Searles, 1/17/2021

$30, Anonymous, 1/17/2021

$100, Larry Massenburg, 1/17/2021

$20, Anonymous, 1/17/2021

$500, Forrest Crayford, 1/17/2021

$17, Raquel Murdock, 1/17/2021

$5,000, Anonymous, 1/14/2021

$15,000, Anonymous, 1/13/2021

$500, Shirley Caldwell-Glover, 1/11/2021

$500, Jayne Back, 1/10/2021, For: "Future Camper Larson Back"

$85, Adam & Jessica Carroll, 1/10/2021

$500, Brett & Katherine Thompson, 1/9/2021

$20, Anonymous, 1/9/2021

$200, Nathan Sisco, 1/9/2021

$500, Jeff & Jennifer Rorabaugh, 1/5/2021

$30, Raquel Murdock, 1/2/2021

$1,200, Tyler Hart, 1/1/2021

$100, Anonymous, 12/31/2020

$1,000, Brian Murdock, 12/31/2020

$1,200, Anonymous, 12/31/2020

$100, Matthew H Kobe, 12/31/2020

$200, Robert Nelson, 12/31/2020

$3,000, Doyle Chisholm, 12/31/2020, For: "Doyle, Mia & Samuel Chisholm"

$1,500, Glen Sofge, 12/31/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 12/31/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 12/31/2020

$2,500, Josh Holt, 12/31/2020

$100, Anonymous, 12/31/2020

$5,000, Anonymous, 12/31/2020

$150, Mike & Jamie Mullis, 12/30/2020

$500, Anonymous, 12/30/2020

$110, Anonymous, 12/30/2020

$14,739.44, Anonymous Stock Donation, 12/30/2020

$1,600, The Kelsey Family, 12/29/2020

$900, The Helton Family, 12/27/2020

$140, Daniel Jacobs, 12/27/2020

$250, Fentons, 12/27/2020

$100, Michael Jacobs, 12/26/2020

$3,744.50, Cornerstone Church of Christ, 12/26/2020

$500, Jim Unruh, 12/24/2020

$25, David Miller, 12/24/2020

$3,000, Anonymous, 12/23/2020

$2,000, John Stamas, 12/23/2020, For: "God's Work"

$300, David Mertz, 12/22/2020

$10,000, Anonymous, 12/22/2020

$2,000, Swamp Camp Taiwan, 12/21/2020

$500, Tara Buehler, 12/21/2020

$1,000, JianZhi Fan (Taiwan), 12/20/2020

$350, Katie Mackenzie Nelson, 12/20/2020, For: "My Girls with love from Mackenzie Family RE Team"

$100, Hilda Alford, 12/20/2020, For: "Taylor and Avery"

$1,000, Dominic & Beth Spinella, 12/20/2020

$3,695, Ken & Linda Lauderdale, 12/19/2020

$56, Jeni Key, 12/19/2020

$4,880, Anonymous, 12/18/2020

$5,000, Anonymous, 12/18/2020

$1,260, Anonymous, 12/18/2020

$1,000, Julie Ibrahim, 12/15/2020

$50, Monica Jones, 12/15/2020, For: "Endia Jones"

$150, Julie Moon, 12/15/2020

$20, Anonymous, 12/14/2020, For: "saving a special place"

$472, Anonymous, 12/14/2020

$500, Rosann Hunt, 12/14/2020

$100, Anonymous, 12/14/2020

$200, Stephanie Ponteau, 12/13/2020

$200, Stephanie Ponteau, 12/13/2020

$400, Stephanie Ponteau, 12/13/2020

$136, Daniel Jacobs, 12/13/2020

$300, Natasha Gardner, 12/13/2020

$50, Harold Carman, 12/13/2020

$65, Jaylen, Jasmine, Janiyah Hudson, 12/13/2020

$100, Donna Lynn, 12/13/2020

$150, Tami Wolf, 12/13/2020

$100, Jeni Key, 12/13/2020

$500, Anonymous, 12/13/2020

$50, Joann Fisher, 12/13/2020, For: "Anyone in need from The Joy Network, Inc."

$250, Norberto Fas, 12/13/2020

$300, Danny Doble, 12/13/2020

$100, Anonymous, 12/13/2020

$300, Anonymous, 12/13/2020

$200, Kit Bump, 12/13/2020 For: "A place I hope to send my future children to discover their own walks with God."

$100, Anonymous, 12/13/2020

$900, Lee & Marcia Redd, 12/13/2020

$100, Anonymous, 12/13/2020

$125, Anonymous, 12/8/2020

$1,000, Denny & Brenda Pyle, 12/8/2020

$100, The Engel Family - Nashville, 12/6/2020

$100, Sandra Woods, 12/6/2020

$75, Collette Freiberger, 12/6/2020

$120, Adam McFall, 12/6/2020

$15, Raquel Murdock, 12/5/2020

$500, Jeff & Jennifer Rorabaugh, 12/5/2020

$75, Steve & Becky Stopper, 12/4/2020

$1,000, Steve & Rachele Gibson, 12/3/2020

$500, Frantz Family Giving Fund, 12/2/2020

$400, Anonymous, 12/1/2020, For: "Zac and Britt"

$1,260, James Kelly, 12/1/2020

$5,000, Anonymous Company Match, 12/1/2020

$250, Jason & Kristina Simonovich, 11/30/2020

$500, Anonymous, 11/30/2020

$50, Anonymous, 11/30/2020

$100, Barbara Warnock, 11/30/2020

$500, Daniel and Heather Leas, 11/29/2020

$50, Chase Crossland, 11/29/2020

$25, Alan Reber, 11/29/2020

$1,000, Randall Fick, 11/29/2020

$10,000, Coca-Cola Consolidated, 11/28/2020

$500, Gregg and Wynn Eargle, 11/25/2020

$220, Jackson Moon, 11/24/2020

$20,000, Anonymous, 11/24/2020

$15, Raquel Murdock, 11/24/2020

$50, Stefanie and Chandler Johnson, 11/24/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 11/24/2020

$1,000, David and Michelle Mertz, 11/23/2020

$250, Levi Young, 11/23/2020

$120, Anonymous, 11/22/2020, For: "My home away from home."

$760, Anonymous Facebook Birthday Drive, 11/22/2020

$150, Karen Hogle, 11/22/2020

$50, Daniel Jacobs, 11/22/2020

$100, Carmen Ramsey, 11/22/2020

$1,000, Glenn and Andrea Cook, 11/22/2020, For: "Creating memories"

$280, Alberto Schirmer, 11/22/2020

$100, Rosalina Maldonado, 11/22/2020

$16, Anonymous, 11/22/2020

$600, Kathleen Johnson, 11/22/2020

$25, Staci Jones, 11/22/2020

$500, Anonymous, 11/21/2020

$25, Anonymous, 11/20/2020

$150, Michelle Vendryes, 11/20/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 11/20/2020

$60, Adam & Jessica Carroll, 11/20/2020

$100, Anonymous, 11/16/2020, For: "All who love camp."

$1,694, Anonymous, 11/16/2020

$500, Daniel Stehr, 11/15/2020

$500, Anonymous, 11/14/2020

$200, Diana Miller, 11/14/2020

$500, Anonymous, 11/11/2020

$50, Anonymous, 11/11/2020

$110, Khristy Humphries, 11/11/2020, For: "Friendship"

$100, Khristy Humphries, 11/11/2020, For: "Mental Health"

$500, Tony Helton, 11/10/2020

$1,500, Victor & Gwen Payton, 11/10/2020

$500, Kalere Payton, 11/10/2020

$262, Todd Shultz, 11/10/2020

$1,000, Mary Anne Kosem, 11/9/2020

$6,000, Michael Kosem, 11/9/2020

$7,000, Dan & Julie Bathon, 11/9/2020

$1,000, Bill & Rachele Dries, 11/9/2020

$32, Anonymous, 11/8/2020

$13, Anonymous, 11/8/2020

$1,000, George Violante, 11/8/2020

$10,000, Lee & Marcia Redd, 11/7/2020

$300, UGA Wesley Foundation, 11/7/2020

$40, Gabriela Basilio, 11/7/2020

$64, Anonymous, 11/6/2020

$3, Terrence Matthews, 11/6/2020

$500, Rich Fendler, 11/5/2020

$500, Jeff & Jennifer Rorabaugh, 11/5/2020

$2,000, Anonymous, 11/5/2020

$80, Nanabah Clair, 11/4/2020

$40, Jenifer Key, 11/4/2020

$150, David & Tanya Guinn, 11/3/2020

$450, McCall Bates, 11/3/2020

$450, Pink Confetti (Presley & Summer Stancil online auction), 11/2/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 11/2/2020

$500, The Bovard Family, 11/2/2020

$120, Camille Anjilivelil, 11/1/2020

$500, Hall Family, 11/1/2020

$100, The Keens, 11/1/2020

$500, Roger & Coleen Bennet, 11/1/2020

$25, Catherine Naiver, 11/1/2020, For Danny Emmett

$500, Edy Aguilar, 10/31/2020

$19.50, Scott Freiberger, 10/31/2020

$600, Alexis & Barbie Esquijarosa, 10/31/2020

$30, Anonymous, 10/30/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/30/2020

$39, Anonymous, 10/30/2020

$50, Anonymous, 10/30/2020

$100, Deborah Dorvil, 10/29/2020

$2,000, Anonymous, 10/29/2020

$500, Anonymous, 10/29/2020

$2,300, Anonymous, 10/28/2020

$250, Ravi Ravindranath, 10/28/2020, For: "My grandkids."

$6,376.22, Pink Confetti (Presley & Summer Stancil online auction), 10/28/2020

$998, Anonymous, 10/27/2020

$100, Ali & Darius Dunn, 10/26/2020

$500, Bennie & Linda Poulson, 10/26/2020

$25, Collin Barkley, 10/26/2020

$41, Anonymous, 10/26/2020

$30, Anonymous, 10/25/2020

$250, Anonymous, 10/25/2020

$1,045, Deric & Glenna Boston, 10/25/2020

$50, Anonymous, 10/24/2020, "In honor of Danny Emmett's 60th Birthday."

$500, Sjodin Family, 10/24/2020

$15,000, Anonymous, 10/23/2020

$30, D & K Spencer, 10/23/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/23/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 10/23/2020, For: "The Kids"

$250, Leonard Shortland, 10/23/2020

$50, Anonymous, 10/22/2020

$500, Anonymous, 10/22/2020

$1,000, Billado Family, 10/22/2020

$13,911, Anonymous, 10/22/2020

$3,000, Charleston Church of Christ, 10/21/2020

$1,000, Ron & Tammi Pope, 10/21/2020

$250, Floyd Fisher, 10/21/2020

$5,000, Anonymous, 10/21/2020

$7, Anonymous, 10/21/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 10/21/2020

$58.45, Jeni Key, 10/21/2020

$20, Anonymous, 10/20/2020

$75, Anonymous, 10/20/2020

$200, Booker & Jones Family, 10/20/2020

$5,000, Anonymous, 10/20/2020

$3,000, Futral Family, 10/20/2020

$40, Pearl Jenkins, 10/19/2020, "One of my favorite places on earth"

$200, Anonymous, 10/19/2020, For "Swamp Camp Future"

$100, Dean and Michelle Rackleff, 10/19/2020

$250, Matthew Buehler, 10/19/2020

$150, Roger and Kim Barkley, 10/19/2020

$100, Ross Woods, 10/19/2020

$500, Rigdon Family, 10/18/2020

$500, Lin Deren, 10/18/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/17/2020

$500, Rowells, 10/17/2020

$200, Anonymous from Taiwan, 10/17/2020

$38, Anonymous, 10/16/2020

$35, Anonymous, 10/16/2020

$500, Ralph & Dana Chacon, 10/16/2020

$100, Edith Caudle, 10/16/2020

$250, Jason Cole, 10/16/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/15/2020

$500, Anonymous, 10/15/2020

$1,000, Reese & Sally Fick, 10/15/2020

$310, Lauren Cicerchia, 10/15/2020, "My Home Away from Home"

$500, Donald Norman, 10/15/2020

$1,000, John & Sabrina Heller, 10/15/2020

$1,000, Doug and Cindy Bunch, 10/15/2020, For: "Our Future"

$1,110, The Baileys (Fayetteville Church), 10/14/2020

$100, Sharon Flynn, 10/14/2020, "For my two Grandchildren, Kiyalyn and Andreas Bump"

$50, Anonymous, 10/14/2020

$40,000, Anonymous, 10/14/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 10/14/2020

$9,900, Anonymous, 10/14/2020

$500, Anonymous, 10/14/2020

$11, Anonymous, 10/14/2020

$500, Anonymous, 10/14/2020

$500, Jay & Adrienne Johnson, 10/13/2020

$60, Peter & Shelia Spiegel, 10/13/2020

$5,000, Anonymous, 10/13/2020

$500, Bill & Joyce Rorabaugh, 10/13/2020

$25, Justin Winstanley, 10/13/2020

$34, Anonymous, 10/13/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/13/2020

$250, Walt and Teresa Reddick, 10/13/2020

$500, Erika Heinzle, 10/12/2020

$10, Anonymous, 10/12/2020

$50, Anonymous, 10/12/2020

$200, Alan and Ariana Hess, 10/12/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/12/2020

$500, Alan and Sherry Rouse, 10/12/2020

$500, Lora Hart, 10/12/2020, For: "Grayson, Ella, and Addie"

$100, Anonymous, 10/11/2020

$100, Karen Lloyd, 10/11/2020

$500, Anonymous, 10/11/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/11/2020

$1,500, Tricia Schwartz, 10/11/2020

$100, Max and Jane Price, 10/11/2020, "Keep Swamp going"

$60, Ariana Basilio, 10/11/2020, For: "New memories"

$1,000, Daniel Stehr, 10/11/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 10/11/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/11/2020

$2,505, Landon Johnson, 10/11/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/11/2020

$20, Anonymous, 10/11/2020

$40, Anonymous, 10/11/2020

$300, Anonymous, 10/11/2020

$100, Angela Joyner, 10/11/2020

$375, Dean Family, 10/10/2020

$35, Erin Brown, 10/10/2020, "For generations to come."

$30, Mackenzie Milton, 10/10/2020, "For the place where I found serenity through Christ."

$1,000, Evan and Mandy Sanders, 10/10/2020, For: "Lorelei and Rowan, so they can spend one summer together at camp before Lorelei graduates in 2022! Here’s to many more retreats, camps and birthdays standing on top of a Swamp chair! With love and prayers."

$30, Anonymous, 10/10/2020

$9, Anonymous, 10/10/2020

$100, Shamim Schubarth, 10/9/2020, "For all the kids who want to foster a deeper relationship with Christ."

$200, Berryinne Decker, 10/9/2020

$500, Karen Seifert, 10/8/2020

$250, Kathleen Vogt, 10/8/2020

$5,000, Jack and Evelyn Reese, 10/8/2020

$350, Rachele Gibson, 10/8/2020, "Investing in the Future."

$25, Toria Fitzgerald, 10/8/2020, "For all the memories, relationships and times spent with God that would not have been possible without this little slice of Heaven on Earth" 💕

$500, O'Keefes, 10/8/2020

$13,169, The Piedmont Triad Church, 10/8/2020

$500, Savannah Church of Christ, 10/8/2020

$500, Savannah Church of Christ, 10/8/2020

$75, Randall and Suzanne Whisnant, 10/8/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/7/2020, For: "The future of camp so that many more kids can attend."

$750, Don and Laura Hall, 10/7/2020

$200, Constance Feldman, 10/7/2020, For "Elizabeth and Joshua"

$300, Anonymous, 10/7/2020

$500, The Cellinos, 10/7/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/7/2020

$500, Matt & Sandy Anjilivelil, 10/7/2020

$11, Anonymous, 10/7/2020

$1,000, George Frimpong, 10/6/2020

$100, Elle McLaughlin, 10/6/2020

$200, S Hoyt H Williams, 10/6/2020

$5, Anonymous, 10/6/2020

$150, Erika Watts, 10/5/2020

$500, Anonymous, 10/5/2020

$200, Ashlyn and Rebecca Bennett, 10/5/2020

$100, Jeffrey R Vaughan, 10/5/2020

$200, Kent Krueger, 10/5/2020

$520, Bretha Reives, 10/4/2020

$500, Marie Louisa White, 10/4/2020

$1,200, The Campagna-Curtis Family (Fayetteville, NC), 10/4/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/4/2020

$200, Bill & Robin McKay, 10/4/2020

$150, Joseph Washington, 10/4/2020, "Save our Swamp Camp"

$450, Patrick & Kat Bovard, 10/4/2020

$500, The Hull Family, 10/4/2020

$1,000, Jay & Adrienne Johnson, 10/4/2020

$25, Anonymous, 10/4/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/3/2020

$125, Ryan Hylton, 10/3/2020

$250, Deb Barton, 10/3/2020

$5,000, Anonymous, 10/3/2020

$400, Phil & Linda Nabors, 10/3/2020

$20, Raquel Murdock, 10/3/2020

$1,000, Creighton Arrington, 10/3/2020

$100, Shauna Haslem, 10/3/2020

$100, Anonymous, 10/3/2020

$500, Robert Brogdon, 10/3/2020

$500, Anonymous, 10/3/2020

$25, Yolanda Pelzer, 10/3/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 10/3/2020

$257.50, Anonymous, 10/3/2020

$550, Carvalho Family, 10/3/2020, For "Galileu, Michelle, and Galileu II - The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off..."

$500, Anonymous, 10/3/2020

$50, Anonymous, 10/3/2020

$50, Anonymous, 10/3/2020. For "My kids, Jordan and Jaden, who have some wonderful memories from Swamp!"

$500, Anonymous, 10/3/2020.

$500, Linh Nguyen, 10/3/2020.

$600, Linda Kaigler, 10/3/2020.

$100, Dwaine and Jimmy Thomas, 10/3/2020.

$200, Ron & Melanie Cicerchia, 10/3/2020.

$500, Jesse and Lynne Carty, 10/3/2020.

$50, Anonymous, 10/3/2020.

$500, Ken & Wendy Williams, 10/3/2020.

$100, Ashley Musgrave, 10/3/2020.

$1,100, John Urciuoli, 10/3/2020.

$100, Famularo Family, 10/3/2020.

$300, Kevin Abad, 10/3/2020. "For Kailyn Abad"

$500, Deric & Glenna Boston, 10/3/2020.

$100, Tracy Lei Thomas, 10/3/2020.

$100, Anonymous, 10/3/2020.

$90, The Fayetteville Church, 10/3/2020.

$200, Anonymous, 10/3/2020.

$500, Reese & Sally Fick, 10/3/2020.

$500, Jeff & Jennifer Rorabaugh, 10/3/2020.

$15, Anonymous, 10/3/2020.

$3,500, The Knoxville Church, 10/3/2020.

$200, Joe and Fern Thomas, 10/3/2020.

$500, Anonymous, 10/3/2020.

$50, Anonymous, 10/3/2020.

$200, Muriithi Family, 10/3/2020.

$500, Dennis McFarland, 10/3/2020.

$60, Toria Fitzgerald, 10/3/2020.

$1,000, Socorro M McFarland, 10/3/2020.

$500, Valerie Jones, 10/3/2020.

$1,000, Katherine Hearn, 10/2/2020.

$5, Maiah Rose, 10/2/2020.

$25, Anonymous, 10/2/2020.

$100, Samantha Goss, 10/2/2020.

$300, Anonymous, 10/2/2020.

$100, Jasmine White, 10/2/2020. for "The birthday girl, Louisa White! Thank you for always finding a way to get me and my friends to camp. Your support gave me experiences that changed my life for the better. I want to do the same for my kids someday! "

$500, Savannah Church of Christ, 10/2/2020.

$500, Andreas & Eva Sjodin, 10/2/2020.

$500, Anonymous, 10/2/2020.

$30, Anonymous, 10/2/2020.

$500, Rex Vaughan, 10/1/2020.

$100, Anonymous, 10/1/2020.

$50, Brandi Hickey, 10/1/2020.

$50, Anna Harbin, 10/1/2020.

$5,000, Benner Family, 10/1/2020.

$100, Ella Gibson, 10/1/2020.

$50, Anonymous, 10/1/2020.

$500, Allen Curtis, 10/1/2020. "For Madelina"

$250, Kristina Kirkeby, 10/1/2020. "For Ameliya Boston"

$25, Anonymous, 10/1/2020

$2,500, Clemson Foothills Church, 10/1/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 10/1/2020

$20, Anonymous, 10/1/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 9/30/2020

$2,666, Columbia Church of Christ, 9/30/2020

$2,100, Arnett Family, 9/30/2020

$250, Angel Erb, 9/30/2020, "Save our little slice of Heaven on earth!"

$1,000, Anonymous, 9/29/2020

$41, Anonymous, 9/29/2020

$1,000, Will Hong, 9/29/2020

$500, Mark Goodkin, 9/29/2020, "For Sarah-Marie"

$200, Kiyalyn Bump, 9/29/2020, "So that my kids may attend Swamp Camp."

$150, Michael & Jeni Key, 9/29/2020

$500, Bill & Rebecca Mapes, 9/28/2020

$50, Anonymous, 9/28/2020

$800, Cheryl Ann Shine, 9/28/2020

$500, Samuel Blackwell, 9/28/2020

$200, Anonymous, 9/28/2020

$500, Roger and Colleen Bennett, 9/28/2020

$500, Ron Cox, 9/28/2020

$200, John and Beda Roberts, 9/28/2020

$500, Jim and Lynn Unruh, 9/27/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/27/2020

$50, Anonymous, 9/27/2020

$4,000, Anonymous, 9/27/2020

$500, The Dodd Family, 9/27/2020

$500, Claudine Woods, 9/27/2020

$100, James Franks, 9/27/2020

$500, Weyricks, 9/27/2020

$50, Amie Garcia, 9/26/2020

$200, Craig and Amy Jones, 9/26/2020

$26, Raquel Murdock, 9/26/2020

$250, Glenn Riedel, 9/26/2020

$2,000, Anonymous, 9/26/2020

$100, Jacob Via, 9/25/2020

$500, The Via Family, 9/25/2020

$500, Southern Church of Christ, 9/25/2020

$100, Anonymous, 9/25/2020, "For Abie & Nik Westhofen - they attended many summers."

$50, Julie Fields, 9/24/2020

$1,000, Jacob & Anna Claire Richardson, 9/24/2020

$500, Alan Bohnhoff, 9/24/2020

$500, Joy Harrison, 9/24/2020, "For my favorite place to be."

$500, Matt Smith, 9/23/2020

$50, Anonymous, 9/23/2020

$46, Micaiah Chacon, 9/23/2020

$30, Anonymous, 9/23/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 9/22/2020

$1,100, Anonymous, 9/22/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/22/2020

$100, Anonymous, 9/21/2020, "So Camp Swamp will still be around for my grandchildren."

$50, Chris Worley, 9/21/2020

$50, Anonymous, 9/21/2020, "For Karina"

$1,000, Anonymous, 9/21/2020

$100, Anonymous, 9/21/2020, "Saving our piece of Heaven on Earth."

$1,000, Robin Gilpin, 9/21/2020

$100, Anonymous, 9/21/2020

$50, Henry Mueller, 9/21/2020

$1,000, Sandro & Lilly Espinosa, 9/21/2020

$100, Alanis Espinosa, 9/21/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/21/2020

$500, Katie and Matt Ottenweller, 9/20/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/20/2020

$20, Sheyla Desir, 9/20/2020, For Joshua Desir

$50, Zachary Wise, 9/20/2020

$500, Bob & June O'Keefe, 9/20/2020, "Grateful for Camp Swamp."

$300, Anonymous, 9/20/2020, "Camp gave me confidence, taught me to serve, helped me connect to Jesus, brought me incredible friends, and is forever my happy place! I've watched so many lives change here. I want camp to be around for me to send my kids to someday!"

$25, Colette R Rackleff, 9/20/2020

$250, David Fenton, 9/20/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 9/20/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/20/2020, "Countless memories for my children and strong bonds created with God, nature and other kids from other churches."

$1,200, John and Susan Jankowski, 9/20/2020

$50, Keehna Frasier, 9/20/2020

$500, Marva & Edmund (Weinberg) Dixon, 9/20/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/20/2020

$515, Anonymous, 9/20/2020

$1,000, Kevin Fountain, 9/20/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/20/2020

$1,000, Richard Fendler, 9/19/2020

$100, Marisa Creekmore, 9/19/2020

$20, Anonymous, 9/19/2020

$15, Aisha Miller, 9/19/2020, "Camp Swamp! Had the best experience here."

$100, Morgan Vance, 9/19/2020

$500, Jesse & Renee Sewell, 9/18/2020

$20, Edward Hampton, 9/18/2020

$500, Tim & Laurel Kinsey, 9/18/2020

$250, Anonymous, 9/18/2020

$500, Rich and BJ Fendler, 9/18/2020

$200, Anonymous, 9/18/2020

$5,000, Anonymous, 9/18/2020

$200, Todd Abernethy, 9/18/2020 For: Sam and Helen Abernethy

$500, Stephanie Humphries, 9/17/2020

$100, Chelsi Long, 9/17/2020

$50, Maranda Poeun, 9/17/2020

$500, Denny & Brenda Pyle, 9/17/2020

$20, Anonymous, 9/17/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 9/17/2020

$300, Neil Orand, 9/17/2020

$500, Brittany Roberts, 9/17/2020

$500, Nick and Christine Lefler, 9/17/2020

$500, Mike Van Frayen, 9/17/2020

$1,000, Tanner Family, 9/17/2020

$50, Efren Trevino, 9/16/2020

$50, Kirstie Porter, 9/16/2020

$500, Brandie Fenton, 9/16/2020, For: "The Cherished memories I've had with my kids at Swamp. Christina, David, Ethan and Faira."

$100, Jessy Adams, 9/16/2020

$50, Ali and Darius Dunn, 9/16/2020

$100, Jared Hudson, 9/16/2020

$25, Brooke Norman, 9/16/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/16/2020

$400, Phil & Linda Nabors, 9/16/2020

$1,000, Jeannie Frederick, 9/16/2020

$200, Mark & Teri Johnson, 9/16/2020

$100, Rocky Middleton, 9/16/2020

$500, Melinda Heibeick, 9/16/2020

$500, Christina Fenton, 9/16/2020, "For My second home."

$500, Josh & Amanda Mitchell, 9/16/2020, "For Andrew who loved Swamp like we do."

$100, Anonymous, 9/16/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/16/2020

$600, Stephen Goodwin, 9/16/2020

$25, Sam Whelchel, 9/16/2020

$500, Kevin Foster, 9/16/2020

$200, Joe & Fern Thomas, 9/16/2020

$2,000, Andrew Chase, 9/16/2020

$500, Edith Pierce, 9/16/2020

$500, Thomas Nesbit, 9/16/2020, For "Kristine Nesbit, Thanks Swamp for the Starlight Devo."

$50, Anabel Fender, 9/16/2020, "Because on the front steps of the dining hall, before breakfast, when the sun is coming up, and the mist is sitting over the grass, and the world is so unbelievably still, is the place where I learned how to pray, and was the place I fell in love with Jesus."

$500, Joe & Lindsay Harrison, 9/16/2020

$15, Nicholas Worley, 9/16/2020

$500, Taylor & Marilisa Schachinger, 9/16/2020

$300, Alena Nash, 9/15/2020

$100, Caroline Long, 9/15/2020

$30, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$20, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$1,000, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$900, John Stamas, 9/15/2020

$525, Russell Teague, 9/15/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$1,700, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$20, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$350, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$300, Barbara Warnock, 9/15/2020

$500, Carolyn & Terry Stanfield, 9/15/2020

$25, Cathy Eastin, 9/15/2020

$2,000, Grayson Williams, 9/15/2020

$25, David Fields, 9/15/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$500, Geoffrey & Jennifer Chiles, 9/15/2020

$500, Jacob Williams, 9/15/2020

$500, Jon Crandall, 9/15/2020

$500, Bud & Kitty Chiles, 9/15/2020

$50, Hannah Duell, 9/15/2020

$500, Steven Fellows, 9/15/2020

$100, Vicki Sandiford, 9/15/2020

$200, Elwood Peters, 9/15/2020, "For Our Grandkids"

$50, Jacob Pursell, 9/15/2020

$500, Lora Hart, 9/15/2020

$50, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$300, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$50, Caroline Rigdon, 9/15/2020

$100, Maggie Frantz, 9/15/2020

$25, Raquel Murdock, 9/15/2020

$1,000, Dean Bump, 9/15/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/15/2020

$1,000, Laura Boyd, 9/15/2020

$200, Marie Wolfe, 9/15/2020

$1,500, Ryan Gibson, 9/15/2020

$100, Daniella Hatfield, 9/15/2020

$500, Katie Colombo, 9/15/2020

$100, Janet Sanders, 9/15/2020

$500, Tanya Ward, 9/15/2020

$300, Nicole Peters, 9/15/2020

$100, George Young, 9/15/2020

$50, Dylan Chisolm, 9/15/2020

$1,500, Jake Graham, 9/15/2020

$15, Alan Tolbert, 9/13/2020

$100, Jeff Reynolds, 9/13/2020

$100, Mychaela Williams, 9/6/2020

$500, Jeff & Jennifer Rorabaugh, 9/3/2020

$500, Anonymous, 9/2/2020

$500, Justin & Betty Roepe, 8/26/2020

$525, Charles & Lauren Arnett, 8/24/2020

$1,000, Russ McGarr, 8/21/2020

$2,000, Josh & Megan Holt, 8/19/2020

$1,100, Dona Stephenson, 8/12/2020

$500, Steve & Rachele Gibson, 8/11/2020

$1,000, David Mertz, 8/9/2020

$500, Mark & Jen Crandall, 8/9/2020

$500, Jeff & Jennifer Rorabaugh, 8/5/2020

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Swamp Camp Services
1380 Maxeys Road
Union Point, GA 30669
[email protected]
Tax ID: 58-2381032

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Camp Swamp now offers electric vehicle hookup.
(EV Level 2 J1772 30 Amp Connector).

© 2024 Swamp Camp Services, 1380 Maxeys Road, Union Point, GA 30669. 706.352.4451

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