How to Pack for Camp 101

Hello again friends, welcome back to the blog! I hope everyone has been having a good week! Since Camp is very swiftly approaching, I thought I’d go over some of the things you might want to bring with you! Of course, there is a very nice and neat list of what you should bring, which you can find right here. This list I’m about to show you though is from my friends on the 2021 full-time staff! I asked them the following question: “What’s the most important thing you need to bring to Camp?” Extremely correct (wrong) answers only.

Camp Essentials:

  • A pair of shoes that you care very deeply about! They definitely will not get muddy and you definitely won’t spill the Baby Bottle Pop powder on them.
  • Velociraptor repellent- this is especially important for the more intense dodgeball games. You’ll thank us later.
  • BEYBLADES. This will give your cabin the extra advantage you need during gaga ball challenges!
  • Heelies! This is so you can roll to all the camp meetings on time, ensuring that you won’t have to serenade the Camp! (10/10, would recommend.)
  • A telescope- this is for observing the Moleman’s hut. He totally won’t come and chase after you. ( If he does, though, refer to the previous item on this list!)
  • This one is very important- an ultraviolet tanning bed. This is necessary because you won’t be getting very much sun during summertime in Georgia! Very essential.

That’s all for the list! We hope you found it to be informative and helpful! (LOL.) In all seriousness, definitely make sure you refer to the list that is linked above! I’ll include it again here. And again, for those of you who have not seen this yet, below is a video with all kinds of information for the upcoming summer!

That’s all for me this week! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read the blog! As always, I’m praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week.

Much Love,

Bri <3