Registration Update!

Hello again, friends! Welcome back to the blog, I hope everyone has had a great week!

As a lot of you already know, registration for Camp is NOW OPEN!! We’re all so excited to see all of your awesome faces this summer! I will give you a much needed heads up though- spots are filling up insanely quickly, and we’ll be at capacity before you know it! So if you’re planning on going to Camp or sending someone to Camp, please register as soon as possible!

If you haven’t done so, the link to register is right here!

At the time of me writing this blog, the Full-Time staff is actually getting ready to meet for the first time via Zoom Meeting. I am so grateful to everyone who is putting in the work to ensure that this is the greatest summer we’ve ever had! I can confidently say that everyone will be in good hands this summer. 🙂

Have any last minute questions before you register for Camp? I’ll go ahead and link the informational video one more time below for you!

Well, once again, that’s all for me this week! As usual I’ll be praying for all of you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much Love,

Bri <3