Hello again, friends! Welcome back to the blog! We’re officially a whole week into the new year, congrats on making it through! I know it can be hard to adjust back to a normal schedule after the whirlwind that is Christmas and New Years!
Yesterday, my roommate gave me a word to describe what she wants her year to look like. It’s something that the women in the church where she’s from do every year. I won’t tell you guys what her word is, but I can certainly tell you mine- proactive!
I am so excited for the coming year, and for all of the things that God is going to do- especially through Camp. But I also want to make sure that I am extremely intentional about making sure my actions line up with His will. I want to be proactive about not putting God, or my relationship with God, in a box, and letting him just blow my plans and expectations out of the water.
What’s your word for the year? I think it would be cool if you shared your word with a person or two, and then got back together this time next year to talk about how it went! Or even if you just write it down and keep it to yourself, I think it’ll be really cool to go back and see how much God has done in a year.
You can also leave your word in the comment section below! 🙂
With 2022 officially being in full swing, I thought I’d go ahead and let you know what our next Camp event is! Mark your calendars, the Mother Son Retreat is just a couple of months away- March 25th-27th! You can register here. 🙂
Well, friends, that’s all for me this week! Next week you’ll get to hear from some of the campers that went to H@TS, I’m excited to share it with you!
Thank you so much as always for taking time out of your day to read the blog! As usual, I’ll be praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week!
Much Love,
Bri <3