Looking Forward to Summer

Hi Swamp Blog Readers!

I hope you’re having a great day! And, I hope you’re having fun deciding what weeks you want to go to summer camp. 😉 If you haven’t signed up for camp, remember you can sign up now on the campswamp.com website.

Unfortunately, you can’t just skip all the remaining months of school to get to the summer time, but you can start thinking about all the things to look forward to for this summer of camp! Here are some cool things to think about:

  • DODGEBALL! Yep. I know some of you have been waiting 365 days for the very moment you get to peg someone with one of those yellow balls (in a loving way, of course.)

  • Performing Arts Camp. Two amazing directors will be putting on a performing arts camp for all of you theatrically-inclined people. Refer to this blog to learn more: Shining Stars Camp

  • FOOD!! How can you not be excited for Ms. Debbie’s cooking and all those Choco Tacos you’ll get to eat at the canteen?


  • Devotionals. The past few summers have had great themes, such as Choice and Race. This Summer you’ll get to hear devotionals based on another awesome theme. I wonder what it will be??

  • Challenges. Maybe you’re still mad about how Girls 1 managed to beat you in limbo last Summer, and you’re looking for a rematch. Make it happen this Summer!


  • Scream-singing in the Dining Hall. Nothing beats getting to sing to your favorite songs at the top of your lungs in the Hart Dining Hall without any judgement.

  • Two Words. Laser. Tag. The most legit laser tag matches happen in the raveen by the boys’ cabins.

  • Freedom Fridays. Ready to dress up in your red, white, and blue and sing "Chicken Fried"? If you want a chance to scream "USA" before then, you can tune into The Olympics.

  • Seeing all your friends. Swamp is the best place for reunions with all your best friends you haven’t seen since last Summer. Of course, it’s also a great place to hang out with friends you see all the time. 😉


Comment Below what you are looking forward to for this Summer. And, follow us on Instagram @campswamp for a look at fun summer camp pictures.

See you all next week!

Much Love & Respect,