Deeper with God

"Hear my prayer, Lord. Hear my prayer, Lord. Bring me deeper. Keep me closer."

Hi Swamp Blog Readers!

Welcome back to your favorite camp blog! 😉 If you haven’t signed up and are planning on signing up for full time positions for summer camp, make sure you do that soon, as applications will be closing in the next few days. Also, remember you can sign up for summer camp at any time at

Today, I have been reflecting on God and the depth of who He is. This morning at church service, the band decided to play "Deeper," a song which many of us at the Swamp adore. Singing "Deeper" reminded me of the amazing singing devotionals we have at camp, and it made me start thinking about the depth of God’s love and power.

One reason I love camp singing devotionals is because of the lack of distractions. There is no homework or studying to be done. There are no counselor or worker duties. Everyone is just out in the middle of the forest (or pavillion), singing to God about how amazing He is. It is hard to be in that environment and not stop and think about who God is.


Yet, in our daily lives, there are many distractions. Thus, we forget about how magnificent and wonderful God is. I think about the story of Martha and Mary. When Jesus came to their house, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to him. Meanwhile, Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made for Jesus and his disciples to stay with them. (Doesn’t sound like a bad thing, right?) Yet, Jesus tells Martha:

"’Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’"

-Luke 10:41-42

What I get from this scripture is that Jesus wants us to always be with Him. He wants us to be in his presence, soaking up who He is, and spending time with Him. That’s not to say that He doesn’t want us to be concerned with our responsibilities, but He doesn’t want them to be so important that we forget to come spend time with Him.

After singing "Deeper" today, I came home and prayed for God to help me get deeper with Him and realize just how incredible He is. Even with so many distractions on Earth, God can always find a way to show us his beauty and majesty, and most of all, his incredible love for us.


If you feel like you’ve been missing out on getting deeper with God, I encourage you to go do something that helps you connect with Him. Go watch the sunset rise, or go somewhere special to pray or sing. And, when you go, just soak up everything He is. He really is everything.

Until Next Week!

Much Love & Respect,