My name is Seth Yim. This is my fourth year coming to camp and they have been a blast. I’ve had so much fun learning about God and myself. I’ve learned that I am made […]
Kicking off the summer right!Week two of camp has been amazing in so many different ways. First of all I got to be in a cabin with so many amazing girls. They are hilarious and […]
I am so thankful for being able to work week 1. Working really showed me what really goes on behind the scenes of camp. It showed me how hard the kitchen workers work. I’m so […]
Camp Swamp is the best place on earth. This is the most joyful time of year for me, between the games and the bible classes there is not a lack of things you can do […]
Week 2 has been so much fun. First, my cabin girls 3 had challenged boys 7 to Just Dance. We lost and now have to write boys 7 love letters. Then, tonight we had our […]
Wow, another year of summer camp! This is unreal, I feel so grown up being in Boys 8 now. If you don’t know, it’s tradition for Boys 8 to challenge Girls 1 to Limbo. Consequence, […]
(Middle)Hello there! As you can see, my name is Lexie. This is my first year at camp and I am LOVING it! Even though it was my first year, people welcomed me as if I […]
Well to start this off lets just say its been the best thing I’ve ever been to so far.when I got here I was terrified, like shaking nervous. but a lot of the counselors and […]
For my first year of Camp Swamp it has been awesome! I have great counselors at my cabin. Matt, Jacob, Will and George. I also really like the challenges that they have available for the […]
I am one of the luckiest children on the earth because I get to take part at Camp Swamp. This summers theme is image. The bible studies are amazing. Also the staff have worked so […]
Swamp Camp Swamp is amazing, today was a blast. We all had the most amazing breakfast with fluffy, yummy biscuits. We had a cabin clean up competition and my cabin girls 3 came in 3rd […]
Today at camp has been full of laughter and sleep…… but mostly sleep! but don’t get me wrong it has been fun while being awake too. My cabin, cabin 4, started off by beating girls […]