10 Qualities of a Great Counselor
A great counselor is able to have fun, and, more importantly, get their campers to have fun in any situation in which it is appropriate. Great counselors make up games, inside jokes, and have ideas of how to help campers have an incredible camp experience filled with laughter and good memories.
A great counselor meets needs and upholds camp values when no one is watching and when no reward is being given. They can be trusted with any task, especially the task if taking care of children and teens. Great counselors are the first to help when a need is expressed or presented.
Great counselors are in tune with the spirit and allow the spirit to lead them. They are great examples of Disciples of Jesus for their campers, and they attempt to be Jesus to their campers by means of service and love.
Great counselors adapt for their campers. They play chess when they want to play football, and they throw the frisbee when they want to sit on the porch. They have deep conversations when they want to sleep, and they serve when they want to rest. They change their desires and needs to fit those of others. They are “all things to all people”.
Great counselors give grace to their campers. They have high expectations of their campers, but they are understanding, loving, and encouraging when those expectations are not met. They strive to make their campers envision their best self, without being ashamed of who they are currently or who they have been.
Great counselors are honest to each other, directors, campers, workers, etc. When you are honest, you acknowledge that others are worthy of hearing the truth and seeing your true self. Great counselors do not hide anything but keep everything in the light.
Great counselors admit when they are wrong - even to their 8, 9, and 10-year-old campers. They understand that they can make mistakes, and instead of being embarrassed by or ashamed of those mistakes, they talk about them and change because of them.
A great counselor cares deeply about his/her campers. They think about their campers as people and how those people can be better served and better loved by him/her as their counselor. A great counselor cares about the campers that are hardest to love and sees them as valuable and worthy.
Great counselors see their campers as people and treat them as people - with respect. This means trusting them and giving them second chance. A great counselor looks for the best in his/her campers instead of keeping a record of wrongs.
A great counselor does not expect any of his/her needs to be met (though it is important to allow yourself to be filled occasionally.) Great counselors are in it for others. Great counselors put the needs of other above their own every time without questioning or grumbling.