Hi, My Name is Mark.
"Want to know what a typical day at camp is like?" Well, let me show you...

Swamp Camp Summer Camp Typical Day

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Around 8:00 AM, we may have a quiet time or singing devotional or, like here, some friends getting up to watch a sunrise.

Swamp Camp Typical Day 1
Swamp Camp Typical Day 2

At 9:00, we eat...and we eat well. This is also the time of day when we can get money out of the bank for things we want for that day...crafts and Choco Taco's...mmm.

After breakfast, we make our cabins look like this and do our chores. Shhhh...don't tell mom

Swamp Camp Typical Day 3
Swamp Camp Typical Day 4

After cleanup and work detail, we get some free time: lake is open, sports activities, board games and crafts are available, and the canteen is open. Remember the Choco Taco I mentioned? Yeah.

Bible Classes come next. We get to hear lessons that are for our age. I like those...they help me understand God and the Bible.

Swamp Camp Typical Day 5
Swamp Camp Typical Day 6

Lunch! Did I tell you how good the food is at Swamp Camp? Yumola! Fruit and/or salad at every meal...in case you were wondering, Mom. Oh, her cabin lost a challenge and had to eat with no hands. ha ha but see the salad.

Cabin time. This is where we hang out and get to know the kids in our cabin. This is the boy's cabins; they have a big gully down the middle...awesome!

Swamp Camp Typical Day 7
Swamp Camp Typical Day 8

Afternoon free time. Sometimes we go to the pool, play basketball, or hang in Hart Dining Hall and make crafts and friendship bracelets. Cabin challenges happen too! I like watching the consequences.

At 5:30, we meet for mail call. Always good to get a package from dad and mom filled with goodies. No gum, though...not good...gets everywhere. Big boxes are good...everyone wants to know what's in it.

Swamp Camp Typical Day 9
Swamp Camp Typical Day 10

Dinner! Eating at Swamp Camp is incredible, and the kitchen staff is always very friendly and they smile a lot.

After dinner, there's a different all-camp activity each night like slip-n-slide, relay races, pool games, cabin competitions, shaving cream fights, theme party...whew. Lots of fun!

Swamp Camp Typical Day 11
Swamp Camp Typical Day 12

Sometimes at night the older kids go up to the field for a Starlight Devotional or some prayer time. I think camp at night is cool. You can hear the critters and really see the stars...no city lights to get in the way.

Just for fun I would like to be here when the camp looks like this. Can you imagine Dodge Ball in the snow?! That would be sick!

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Swamp Camp Typical Day 13

At 10:00 PM, we go back to the cabin and we hang some more; then lights out at 11. After a day like this, I am ready...and can't wait to do it all over again!

Hope this helps you see what a typical day is like. But, hey, there is only one way to really know...just come and see.

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