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Swamp Camp Mr. Jeff Actin Up

We'll get back with you as soon as possible or as soon we get through playing. Wahoo!

Call Us

When Camp is in Session (June-July): call the camp office (706-352-4451) anytime during the day or evening until 10PM.

Emergency Numbers:
Daytime - (706) 352-4451
Nighttime (after 10pm) - (706) 351-3092
NOTE: Use these numbers when camp is in session.

We do not permit campers to use the telephone without permission from the camp director. No news from your child is good news.

**NOTE: Not all needs can be met. We take each child on a case-by-case basis and each week on a week-by-week basis.

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© 2024 Swamp Camp Services, 1400 Maxeys Road, Union Point, GA 30669. 706.352.4451

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