Hello again, friends! Welcome back to the blog!! I hope you all enjoyed your weekends!
At the end of last month, some of the Swamp Staff got to go to a conference in Oklahoma City that was hosted by Teleios called “Generation Z: The Ongoing Conversation”. The conference was essentially about “how to better include and empower Gen Z in our faith communities.” It was a really eye-opening experience, and as someone that’s on the cusp between Gen Z and Millennials, I was so excited to soak up as much as possible.
The whole weekend was incredibly encouraging! I think sometimes as young people, it’s easy for us to feel intimidated or not seen by our brothers and sisters and Christ that are older than us- but I found myself surrounded by so many scholars and heroes in the faith that had gone all the way to Oklahoma just to learn how to love us better.
It honestly reminded me of the way I felt at Camp growing up. Even now as an adult, getting to talk to so many of you and seeing the way you love God and love people fills my heart. It is such a powerful thing to be loved, respected, and included by the people you look to, especially in the church.
There were so many amazing speakers, and so many incredible lessons that I couldn’t possibly fit everything into just one blog- but I would definitely love to talk more about it with all of you soon!
Thinking about the conference again now has me more excited than ever to spend the summer out at Camp- I think the summer will be rich with opportunities for the different generations to grow together and connect with one another! Speaking of Camp- FAMILY CAMP STARTS NEXT!!!! MONTH!!!!!!! Before we know it, we’ll all be back together again and having a BLAST at Camp!! See you guys soon!
Once again, that is all for me this week! Thank you so much for taking the time to read the blog. As usual, I’ll be praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week!
Much Love,
Bri <3