The Great Grateful Devo Challenge Pt. 3

Hello again, friends! Welcome back to the blog! It’s hard to believe that it’s already November!

It’s officially that time of year again! We’re doing something similar on Instagram, but I’m excited to bring back our GREAT GRATEFUL DEVO CHALLENGE!!

For those of you who aren’t familiar, or if you need a refresher, here are the rules:

Every Friday, for the rest of November, sit down and write 10 things that you are grateful for!

The reason I always choose Friday for this challenge is because that’s the day we have our Grateful Devo at camp. I think that it’s especially important to express gratitude- there’s always so much going on, and it can be incredibly refreshing to take a step back and think on all the things we have to be grateful for.

So, go forth and be thankful! And if you can, share your list with a friend! I think we could all use a few extra reasons to smile.

Also!! Before I go, I wanted to make sure you all know that registration for H@TS is open!!! We’ll see you guys next month. 🙂

Thank you so much for taking time to read the blog! As usual, I’ll be praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much Love,

Bri <3