The Gift of Giving

Hello again, friends! Welcome back to the blog! It’s finally December, and it feels like there’s just so much to look forward to! My family has just started talking about Christmas lists, and everyone is super excited to start getting gifts.

It got me thinking about how nice it can feel to give someone a gift that they truly enjoy, and I wondered- how can we do that here on the blog? I came up with something, and I think it would be really nice for everyone to participate in.

This month, I challenge you to say something you love about as many people as possible! You can text them, email them, call them up, tell them in person, or whatever is best for you! I think everyone could use a nice pick me up, and who knows? You might just make someone’s day. 🙂 I think this could be a really awesome way to lift one another up and spur each other on during the holiday season.

Well, my friends, I love all of you! Thank you so much for taking time to read the blog! As usual, I’ll be praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much Love,

Bri <3