Sammy Laing!

Hello person who is reading this!!! My name is Sammy, and I have been going to Swamp for 4 years now. Each time I go has been a better experience than the last (and that’s saying something). But I really feel like I get a little closer to God- no, a LOT closer to God- after each week I go. It really is an amazing experience that I think all people my age should get to have. Even though at first you don’t know anybody (or if you do, you’re not in the same cabin with them) throughout the week I get to meet so many new people and become good friends with people I didn’t even know existed. But virtual camp is something new and special. I am sad that I didn’t get to see my friends in real life, or get to eat delicious meals at the dining hall, or play Ga-Ga-ball at the pavilion, or do all those other awesome things associated with Camp Swamp, but this year I got to make unique memories that are new and special, like playing mafia and the matching game during free time, or meeting random people and making bonds through the mingle, or even spamming chins in the chat (#Where’sEllen’sChin). That was an inside joke, that last part 😉 . But still, the point is, virtual camp was a cool, unique, special, and technologically advanced way to do swamp. (Well, technologically advanced for most people 😉 ) I hope that if you are still deciding whether or not to participate this year because of COVID-19, you choose to make awesome memories, new friends, and a boost to your connection with God. And if you already went to swamp this year, I hope you had just as much fun, if not more, than I did. Ready? BREAK!!!