Merry Christmas!! 🙂

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I know I certainly did! It was a really nice time to spend with my family- lots of yummy food and great memories!

Speaking of memories- building off of what I said last week, I’d love to hear about how your Christmas went! Did anyone start a new family tradition? Or did something silly happen? Perhaps you got a really meaningful gift that you won’t ever forget. I’d love to read all about it in the comment sections below- I’ll start!

So, if you’ve ever counseled with me, or even been in a cabin with me, you’d know I’ve had the same baby blanket since before I was even born. 24 years later, it’s kind of just a little ball of fabric. LOL.

I don’t know how she did it, because they’re literally not being made anymore, but my mom found an exact replica of the blanket! I was so encouraged by the amount of thought and effort that went into getting that gift for me. Sure, I got some other really cool things that I’m super grateful for, but I think that will be what sticks with me from this Christmas.

I’m also just really grateful that God has blessed me with a family to spend the holidays with. Unfortunately, I know a lot of people who had to spend Christmas alone due to the pandemic and other circumstances. There’s a lot to be grateful for, thanks to the loving and merciful God we serve.

That’s all for me this week! Just as a heads up, we’re all gearing up for iH@TS as I’m writing this! By the time this blog goes up, it’ll be just a couple of hours away! Please be praying for the Spirit to move, and for everyone to have a great time.

I love you guys so much! As always, I’ll be praying for you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much Love,

Bri <3