Camp was incredible I believe that camp was a way for me to examine my heart and reevaluate were I was spiritually. The lessons were on point. Personally I enjoyed the lesson on being a friend like Jesus. In that lesson a question that came up was if we had ever experienced a one sided relationship. A relationship where you do all the initiating and put in a lot of effort but the other person just kind of leaves you hanging. I totally felt that I feel like that’s how a lot of my relationships are. I put in an effort to reach out and encourage them and I’m mostly let down. But I remember that God says to give without expecting anything in return and because I want to strive to be like Christ and his father I still continue to give. God is the only relationship I have that is genuinely two sided. He meets me and I meet him. I loved this lesson because it opened my eyes to another characteristic of Gods love.
Also shout out to girls twelve during week eight of camp. I loved my cabin so very much! I feel like we all connected and we all had different perspectives and insights on the lessons but we all learned something from each other daily. They were so very loving and sacrificial. Some of these girls woke up as early as seven in the morning and others went to bed as late as one in the morning. It all depended on the time difference.
That was another great aspect of camp the diversity from people connecting from all over the world was inspiring and eye opening to how unique and beautiful Gods creation is.
Shout out to camp swamp and to all the people who worked so very hard to keep camp going this year.
Love you all
Jasmine Hudson