Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Hello again, sweet friends! Welcome back to the blog! As you guys all know, Valentine’s Day was this weekend! As I was thinking about Valentine’s Day earlier this week, it got me thinking. Because Camp happens during the summer, we don’t ever talk about Valentine’s Day- but! There is one activity that happens at Camp that comes to mind. Love letters!

Whether you’re new to Camp Swamp, or you’re a veteran, getting to see someone read a love letter on the gazebo is always a super fun part of the week!

Disclaimer: No love-bugs were involved in the making of this blog.

Here we have a love letter from yours truly! I was probably only 15 years old in this photo, time flies!!

Love letters are always a crowd favorite, but one thing I really love that happens every week is this!

Every week, some really awesome older campers go out of their way to encourage Girls 1! As you can see, there are flowers, a pretty tablecloth, and even candles! These campers and counselors lead by example by encouraging and making friends with others in the most thoughtful way!

With that in mind, I hope all of you got to enjoy your Valentine’s Day! Whether you spent it with loved ones or friends, I pray that all of you were encouraged!

That’s all for me this week! Thanks so much for taking the time to read the blog. As always, I’ll be praying for each and everyone of you to have a safe and encouraging week!

Much Love,

Bri <3