Hello, again, friends! Welcome back to the blog! I hope everyone’s had a great week! I’m super excited for this blog because I get to share something new with all of you that Camp is doing- Feature Friday!
Now, it’s currently Monday, but, for those of you who don’t follow us on Instagram, you missed our very first Feature Friday where we got to Feature our fearless leader: Mr. Jeff! Never fear if you did miss it, though! You can give us a follow on Instagram (@campswamp), and I’ll also post part of it here! Here it is:
Would you say that Camp Swamp is important or significant to you/your life? Why?
I have said many times I will go to heaven because of Camp Swamp. Please understand it is the grace and mercy of God through Christ that saves me, no doubt; it is through Camp Swamp I get to experience these things on a practical and real level in my interaction with the campers and myriad people associated with camp throughout the years. I also am moved and inspired to be more like Jesus because of young people: they fire me up, they constantly call me higher, and standing in front of them compels me to be more and more spiritual and want to attain Jesus’ character. Camp is my calling.
Caleb is my favorite character in the Bible and a hero to me; not much is said about him in Scripture but one word is used most: wholehearted. We know the story: he and Joshua were two of the twelve sent out to spy on the promised and bring back a report to the people. The other ten were faithless as were the people and so God sent them in the wilderness for 40 years. Joshua tutored under Moses to learn how to lead the masses. What did Caleb do while he hung out in the desert for 40 years? What would a wholehearted person do? He found a mission and passion and I believe he held camps for all the generations to come; all those 20 years and younger and the ones born in the next 40 years.
He used those “camp” experiences to teach and prepare the next generation to take the promised land. Joshua prepared to lead; Caleb prepared the led. In fact in Joshua 1, the new generations were so excited about the promised land that when Joshua said it was time to go, they said, “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.” Does that sound wholehearted? Of course it does and where did they learn this? From Caleb.
So, you ask me if Camp Swamp is important and significant. I answer with a resounding YES! It has changed my life, the life of thousands and now changing the lives of thousands more across the world; it is a place where the empirical gospel is heard and felt; a place where kids can learn and see the love of God through Jesus through each other.
Jennifer said some time ago, that our generation planted churches; this generation will plant camps. What an amazing insight. The reason this is true is because the kids today attend their parents church, or the older generations’ church and while they go and attend and are happy to do so–mostly–they don’t own it like our generation. BUT at camp it is a whole different story. At camp, parents and older people are the visitors; camp is the younger generations church: they lead, they serve, they care for and they own the outcome of camp and its culture and they want to spread it all over the world as hundreds have raised millions to start (plant) 14 camps around the world on four continents. What a tremendous mission field indeed.
Again, is Camp Swamp important or significant in my life? Yes, it is my calling; it is my promised land on this earth; it is worth my blood, sweat and tears. Why? because of the next generation(s).
It’s always a pleasure to get to hear Mr. Jeff speak! It reminds me of all the great lessons he’s given at Camp. BUT! Friends! Speaking of Camp, I have a HUGE announcement! Registration for summer camp starts TOMORROW! You heard that right! TOMORROW! Make sure to secure your spot before we start filling up, I am beyond stoked to see you all this summer!
Well, friends, that’s all for me this week! Thank you so much as always for taking the time to read the blog! As usual, I’ll be praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week!
Much Love,
Bri <3