Emerson Howard

Pictured: Emerson and the rest of Girls 4 getting some awesome time to build connections!

“Virtual Swamp has been amazing! Being able to connect to disciples around the world has really helped me to feel God working during this time where it feels like the world has stopped.

The conversations we are having are just as deep as in-person swamp, and I now have friends in Africa and India as well as the US. 🙂 Definitely camp this summer or sign up to volunteer in some way.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity !!”

Thanks for sharing with us, Emerson! I hope all of you have been having as much fun as all of us at Swamp Virtual Camp this week! Although, I’m not sure if that’s even possible- it’s been a BLAST.

Thanks for taking the time to read another blog this week, I hope you guys are enjoying getting an inside look at Swamp Virtual Camp!

Much Love,

Bri <3