Cheap Diversity vs. True Solidarity

Hello again, friends! It’s good to see you all again after such a long week! I hope everyone had a good weekend. I’m excited to be bringing another blog to you all! This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about something we talked about over the summer during Virtual Camp.

Cheap Diversity vs. True Solidarity.

What do I mean by that? Over the summer, we talked a lot about how cool it was that we had so many different kinds of people from so many different countries. But that was just the tip of the iceberg. Because the unity we had over the summer, the energy that was created at Camp, was not cheap diversity for the sake of appearances. It was true solidarity, God’s people from all over the planet working together to create a safe environment where we can have fun and learn about God.

Especially in the current times we live in, true solidarity is so vitally important. That’s why, once again, I’m reminded of why I love Camp so dearly. That authentic solidarity was God’s way of reminding me of His love for me. Camp is truly a place where there are no ulterior motives- it’s just people trying to serve God. Even when it’s just virtual, it’s so refreshing.

With that- I wanted to issue a bit of a challenge. Do something this week to show a brother or sister in Christ that you are with them. Truly. Whether that’s an act of service, or an earnest word of prayer- even the smallest of gestures can completely turn someone’s week around. Who knows? Maybe a word of encouragement from you could be what someone else needs to keep running their race.

Well, that’s all for me this week! I hope you all enjoyed the blog. Just by way of reminder- H@TS is almost upon us! Let’s not forget to register if you haven’t already! The link is right here. 🙂

Love you guys! As always, I’ll be praying for you to have a safe and encouraging week!

P.S. I finished the bracelet. LOL.

Much Love,

Bri <3